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Have Faith, Not Fear

Have Faith, Not Fear

Your son came home with a bad grade; Your teen daughter is having meltdown because her friend was mean to her; Your toddler is sick and whiny; Your 8-year old just spilt milk all over the kitchen floor after a long day. These happen to all of us parents and in that...

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Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt

Let me start with a story of a friend who relayed to me that they felt guilty because they sometimes need space from their kids and needed to take time to take care of themselves. Oh yes!! Now this is a juicy one because raise your hand how many of you feel guilty...

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Being a parent is the most important role in your life, and it can also be the most challenging!! There is no manual and we are expected to just do it by instinct. And you are thinking what other way is there…..huh!! And there are times you feel, it's NOT really...

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